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Video: phonebloks are building a sustainable future.
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Video: phonebloks are building a sustainable future.
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Video: phonebloks are building a sustainable future.
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5 November 2013

Video: phonebloks are building a sustainable future.

How can we stay connected in a way that doesn’t cost the earth? Dave Hakkens has a solution.

Written by Dumbo Feather

Behind extraordinary ideas, there are extraordinary people.

This video has been doing the rounds for a little while, but it’s just too good for us not to share.

As our dependence on technology grows with every counting day, so does our need to stay connected with the latest digital trends. With the advent of the smartphone, the necessity to upgrade our phones has become a continuous cycle. The result is an enormous amount of electronic waste, as our old smartphones are discarded to be quickly replaced with newer models.

Phonebloks is planning to revolutionise the mobile phone industry. To invest in a sustainable future, join the movement today.

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