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Hello! Today we are sharing a conversation between two extraordinary women who have both featured in the pages of our magazine, Claire Dunn and Ella Noah Bancroft. Both are passionate rewilding facilitators, leading their communities into deeper relationship with the natural world, them selves and others.
Claire has just released her second book, Rewilding the Urban Soul, which we’ll be hearing more about in an episode down the track. Here, she is getting us acquainted with Ella’s mission. Ella is a Bundjalong woman based in the Northern Rivers who writes stories and poems, leads workshops, has a podcast, and for several years has been running the Returning, an annual event that provides a place for all women to relearn the way of their past.
We love the intersections in Ella’s work. As well as rewilding, she is thinking deep and wide about decolonisation, the rise of the feminine, belonging, sexuality and movement.
Thanks to The Cape for sponsoring this episode!