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Dumbo Feather Climate Challenge Week One
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Dumbo Feather Climate Challenge Week One
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Dumbo Feather Climate Challenge Week One
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13 August 2017

Dumbo Feather Climate Challenge Week One

Acknowledge Your Feelings

Behind extraordinary ideas, there are extraordinary people.

Thinking about the damage pollution is doing to our climate every day can be distressing and overwhelming; no wonder it’s easy not to think about it. But it’s when we acknowledge the reality of what’s happening, and in some ways go through a grieving process for the planet as it once was, that we come to see just how high the stakes are and feel compelled to act. On that note, we introduce you to week one of the challenge: Acknowledge your feelings.

Naomi Klein writes in her book, This Changes Everything: “I denied climate change for longer than I care to admit. I knew it was happening, sure. Not like Donald Trump and the Tea Partiers going on about how the continued existence of winter proves it’s all a hoax. But I stayed pretty hazy on the details and only skimmed most of the news stories, especially the really scary ones. I told myself the science was too complicated and environmentalists were dealing with it… A great many of us engage in this kind of climate change denial. We look for a split second and then look away.”

Avoiding this denial is key. When we stop looking away, and stop suppressing our feelings about what is happening to the environment, we can start taking clear, informed steps to make a difference.


Write yourself a letter—or have a conversation—exploring your knowledge and feelings about climate change. Some questions to ask yourself:

· What do I know about this issue and how it is affecting the people and places I care about?

· What kind of world do I want to live in and how am I feeling about our chances of getting there?

· What are the skills, networks and experiences I can bring to creating this future?

To register for the Dumbo Feather Climate Challenge, and to receive week two straight to your inbox, sign up here.

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