Behind extraordinary ideas, there are extraordinary people.
Topping up the heart
What does it mean to rest at this time in the world? How do we value rest when the world is on fire?
What does it mean to rest at this time in the world? How do we value rest when the world is on fire?
Behind extraordinary ideas, there are extraordinary people.
There is so much in the world now that feels urgent…
Doing the work on climate to enable our world to regenerate and a future for our kiddos.
An honest reckoning with our country’s past and establishing new ways of honouring, learning from and being led by First Nation’s peoples.
Establishing a role for community in leading government, not the other way around.
Redefining leadership in a way that holds up integrity, kindness and care.
Sitting with those who feel lost, depressed, anxious. Bringing up our children. Deciding what’s for dinner.
I have struggled for some time to work out what it means to rest when the world is on fire.
Who am I to rest when I have the capacity to act?
At the same time, the whole concept of rest has been hijacked. Rest has become connected to manicures and buying new pyjamas and stiff drinks. Topping up our depleted and worried hearts with stuff and more and new.
When the world is on fire, stuff is not what tops up my heart. And much heart is needed for what faces our world today.
I top up my heart by connecting. With tickles and touch and six-year-old’s knock-knock jokes. Through conversation: teary, real conversation which often includes tummy-rumbling laughter. By sharing worries and recipes and lettuces and care.
I top up by going outside. With muddy boots, watching honeyeaters, cutting yellow roses, walking through the orchard. By making favourite meals: a rich chocolate cake, a spicy dahl.
I top up by working hard with other people in my community to see progress and action and to do; not just feel anxious. To see our vision for our community coming to life tops up my heart to no end.
I top up by looking back and seeing what we are capable of. We’ve been introduced to our own resilience this year and it was breathtaking.
I top up by looking forward and thinking about what is means to be a good ancestor. Thinking long term gives me both solace and fire to keep making better decisions.
I top up by breathing, by loving, by being enough. By trying to see what is right in front of me.
There is so much to do. So much heart is needed. How will you top up yours?