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Working with cycles
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Working with cycles
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Working with cycles
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16 November 2021

Working with cycles

Anthony Perotta reflects on the ever-changing cycles of the planets in our solar system.

Behind extraordinary ideas, there are extraordinary people.

Discussed in this Story

Before Time was recognised by a series of numbers and movements of hands on a clock, it was kept through the cycles of the Sun, the Moon, and the planets we could see with the naked eye. With every passing of the luminaries, we knew that light would fall to shadow, but would return again. A triumph that led to the shifts of weather, the seasons, and our interactions with the Earth.

We carry within us those mechanisms that made our ancestors keep time, the ability to feel the subtle movements in our atmosphere and the ever-changing cycles of the planets in our solar system. The Moon, a mysterious and comforting force, has been one of the greatest storytellers of our incarnation. It dances through life in phases, from new to full and back again — all within the timing of a month. Here, we see that our satellite evolves and transforms, rhythmically birthing and creating outlines for us to live more intentionally.

Within 28 days, the Moon moves through all 12 zodiac signs and 8 major phases. Each one marks a different milestone and has an energy of its own. Where the New Moon phase brings a time to plant a seed, the Full Moon phase asks to harvest. When the Moon is in a waxing, it builds, and in its waning, it releases. In its dark phase, we rest. We birth and shed, plant and sow, menstruate and align. There is a flow to the way the Moon itself moves, and to live in that flow helps us move more naturally.

Outside of the 4 week cycle of the Moon, it moves through a larger 6-12 month cycle. Where we start a New Moon in one zodiac sign, only to have a Full Moon in that same sign 6 months later. From intention to fullness, we witness our ideas take shape through the art of manifestation under the presence of this mysterious guide. So, to plan according to the Moon, we see our growth differently. When we work with lunar cycles, or planetary cycles in general, we pull ourselves away from the expectations set forth by society, and bring ourselves back to foundations that are so inherent within us. We understand that time is personal, something we can capture and move with at our own pace.

The Moon is a mother, a nurturing energy that guides us gently toward what we seek. It reminds us that rest is part of the journey, for there are times when the Moon is out of view. For us to reach our own fullness, we have to be willing to reflect in the quiet of our lives. Releasing the notion of pressure welcomes organic growth — empowering us more. No matter what phase you are in, you will come back, cycling through life just as the Moon does in our nighttime sky.


Anthony Perrotta is an astrologer with over 14 years of experience, blending fashion, interior design, astrology and writing together into a unique vision. He writes his own digital astrology magazine, The AstroEdit, and conducts one-on-one client readings. Outside of this, he works closely with the incredible team at Magic of I. as an astrologer and writer. 



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